Have you ever seen an early production line in action? Although these systems increased
production, they did so at the expense of the quality of the experience of the
workers, who were positioned at the bottom of the occupational ladder. The
workers then had no say over the flow and pace of work. They had no voice in
the organisation of work, nor any view of the overall wider picture into which
their contribution fitted. Early studies in the sociology
of work suggested that, in such circumstances, we should expect the
following. Workers will do the minimum work possible to get by. They will not
care about the quality of work they produce. They will not use initiative to
solve any problems. Work will be undertaken resentfully, or else some will
delight in finding creative ways to deliberately undermine
the work processes.
Because we realized the invidious position
the midwives were being placed in, we tried to ensure they could see what was
at stake for them (briefly: complex and emotionally difficult work in probing
the ethnic and family origins of a mother to ascertain if she was at risk of
carrying genes associated with sickle cell or thalassaemia, emotional work that
was far more difficult and time-consuming than either policy-makers or their managers
were prepared to allow); we also tried
to ensure their time was fully paid for, and that they were given an overview
of where their work in collecting data fitted into the overall policy issue
being researched.
Despite our best efforts, the midwives
collected only 25% of the data they were paid to collect. Managers and policy
makers responded with naïve anger: “give me their names” said one. Rather than blame midwives who were feeling
overworked and put-upon, we tried to understand what was happening
sociologically, using the sociological concept of ideal types. In the article, we refer to different styles
of adapting to demand of data collection over which they had little say or
formal control. These terms were Repairers
(the demands for data collection disrupted their work but they adapted both
processes to try to make it work as best they could in difficult
circumstances); Refractors (as often
as possible, they would creatively use adherence to formal rules of their usual
work procedures as a basis not to collect data) and Resistors (those who actively opposed the research but could/would
not directly challenge their managers, and so used appeals to broader contexts
to avoid collecting data). Managers did not challenge this evasion as they
feared that midwives would move jobs and leave the service even more
short-staffed than they already were. Although we paid research funds to cover
the work of the midwives, these monies were not always passed on by the health
organizations concerned, and this lack of financial transparency was also used
by the midwives to justify their resistance.
Some sociologists have tended to reject
all large scale research because of this “hired hands” problem. A current problem is that this model of
research, in which ordinary nurses or midwives collect data for a project run
by a medical researcher, is characteristic of much health services research.
Put bluntly, much health services research would be of little value if it
relies on data collected by workers who have no say over the process, no stake
in the results, and who are denied any vision of where their efforts fit into
an overall picture.
The lessons for
the hired hand concept in sociology is that it requires refinement to take
account of how work hierarchies interact with gender hierarchies and how contingencies of workplace
organization may mean that some workers are required to be busier than others,
so that extra work demands the impact upon them differently. The lesson for
health services research is that it needs to take account of this phenomenon in
the design of the study and in analysis of the results, but above all in the
respect with which it treats health workers who collect data.